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Oct 7
Dr. LaBella awarded NIH Grant
Dr. LaBella was recently awarded the Maximizing Investigators' Research Award (MIRA R35) from the National Institute of General Medical...
Jun 18
UNC Charlotte recently featured our research on their website.
May 3
New faces & farewell to graduates
This semester the LaBella lab says farewell to Colin Speer! Colin spent a little over a year in the lab while obtaining his Master's in...
Aug 21, 2023
Evolutionary Forces at Play for Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
A research blog by Colin Speer Did you know that certain cancer-associated genetic mutations might have once provided us with an...
Mar 27, 2023
From Jane to Baine
In 1822 Jane Wright Earl was born in England. She subsequently moved to Utah where she had 13 children and was eventually the grandmother...
Nov 22, 2022
Catching up on LaB(ella) publications
The past few months have seen multiple publications from the LaBella lab members. Check them out below! Mitochondria of Aspergillus ->...
Nov 9, 2022
What is synteny anyway??
Wikipedia says that "Synteny is a neologism meaning "on the same ribbon". It's a term in genetics that refers to the level of similarity...
Sep 23, 2022
The Lab LaBella has arrived!
I am incredibly excited to start my lab here at UNC-Charlotte. The city, university, and my colleagues have been so welcoming! And... we...
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